Tuesday, April 1, 2008


lifeblood - life-giving, vital, or animating element

Creativity is the lifeblood of progress.

Creativity is the first-fruit of redemption: when a soul becomes born again, it aligns itself with the most potent, far-reaching creative person in the universe.

Creativity precedes consensus: it steps out in advance of the comfortable masses, forging a way through mediocrity, building a pathway that will one day become the norm.

Creativity flies in the face of traditional business models and measures of profit: it confounds their wisdom and redraws their landscapes.

Creativity took the Sovereign King to the cross and opened up a way to the Father.

Creativity releases potential: it allows us to breath, inspires us to run, propels us to flight.

Creativity is the perfect antidote to criticism, defying the insecurities of the world that surround it.

Creativity demands commitment: it engages the will and the purse in the pursuit of it’s objectives.

Creativity is light, revealing the nature of God to the world: it is the light that shines light on The Light.

Creativity expunges toxins that left untreated, lead to death: it renews, reforms, refreshes.

Creativity is the fuel of the dreamer: it paints in colours never seen before, carves out textures never felt before, produces harmonies never heard before.

Creativity is risk that flows out of hope: it says ‘things don’t have to be this way’.

Creativity is the lifeblood of progress.


Andy said...

Neil - Inspiring stuff...good post.

Yours or are you quoting?

Chris Beaumont said...

How do we reconcile creativity and pastoral awareness with regards to worship? Surely sometimes one has to sacrificed in order to fully pursue the other?

Neil Bennetts said...

Andy. It's mine I'm afraid.


I realise the potential conflict, and we have all been in the place where a band (or worship leader) goes off on one. We've all been there!

Two thoughts on this.

First one is this. If creativity shines light on God then it has to be something otherly, something that doesn't draw attention to self.

The other is this - I think as a leader I can cause the greatest pastoral problem in the long term if I don't allow the church to be creative. If I don't alow creativity to flourish, then eventually the chucrh dies. If I do encourage creativity then I may have to put up with a little mess in the short term, but at least the church should live and breath and progress.


Unknown said...

It's cool and I think I like it. I'm just not sure what "creativity" is. From what you've written it's clearly a good, beneficial, desirable thing, but I'm just not sure what you're talking about...

Neil Bennetts said...


I think the dictionary definition is a help - but not the complete picture:

the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc.; originality, progressiveness, or imagination

The reason I don't think it is complete is that under this definition there is no context or objective included in the definition, which is why I was trying to flesh out some ideas.
(I think we've all seen stuff and thought 'wow that's creative, but so what?' A new idea could be creative, but also useless!)

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